Concrete Show South East Asia

10 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2025

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta - Indonesia

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WTON) optimistis ini dapat membukukan peningkatan nilai kontrak baru di kisaran 20%-30% pada tahun ini. Proyeksi peningkatan tersebut berdasarkan perhitungan dari list proyek yang akan dikerjakan di tahun 2022. Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WTON), Yuherni Sisdwi Rachmiyati menyampaikan bahwa peningkatan nilai kontrak baru pada tahun 2022 sangat mungkin...
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PUPR uji coba teknologi 3D Concrete Printing karya anak KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Emiten semen memasang mode optimistis tahun ini. Sejumlah katalis diyakini bakal mendorong penjualan semen di tahun ini. Vice President Corporate Secretary PT Semen Baturaja Tbk (SMBR) Doddy Irawan mengatakan, SMBR menargetkan penjualan bisa bertumbuh seiring dengan pertumbuhan permintaan. Salah satu penopang penjualan semen adalah pemulihan...
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In the modern world, people have lots of choices to do something and the construction industry is also going on a massive framework changes. The batching capability removes various practical errors included in infrastructure creations such as Compact Concrete Batching Plants in India. This type of plant mainly transport the ingredients smartly and also reduce...
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Cement production in Africa suffers from a myriad of problems. These include high energy costs, cheap imports and over capacity but it still attracts new entrants each year given the fact that the continent is ripe with major infrastructure projects in the pipeline and demand continues to rise year on year. However, high production costs...
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The Iconic Tower is under construction and located in the New Administrative Capital of Egypt. When completed, the US$3 billion 385.8 metres skyscraper will be Africa’s tallest building. The building, which will have 80 floors, is one of 20 towers and skyscrapers being built as part of the Central Business District (CBD) project in the...
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Construction projects are almost always going on in today’s society. These projects may vary in size and scope, ranging from highways, a swimming pool, or even a patio garden. Regardless of the size and scope, they all use concrete in their construction process. Concrete can be difficult to handle even on your best days. The...
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Sebanyak 11 konstruksi ruas tol baru sepanjang 125 kilometer direncanakan bakal rampung dilaksanakan hingga akhir Desember 2020. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Hedy Rahadian dalam siaran persnya, akhir pekan lalu. Sebelas ruas tol baru tersebut merupakan bagian dari 64 proyek jalan tol Proyek Strategis...
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JAKARTA, – Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) mengembangkan teknologi pra-cetak dan mendorong pemanfaatannya, khususnya dalam pembangunan rumah susun (rusun). Direktur Jenderal Perumahan Kementerian PUPR Khalawi Abdul Hamid mengatakan, teknologi pra-cetak diharapkan memudahkan dan mempersingkat waktu pembangunan hunian vertikal. Menurutnya, proses pembangunan hunian vertikal dengan menerapkan teknologi pracetak lebih cepat ketimbang menggunakan metode...
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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction industry’s outlook in Southeast Asian countries are expected to remain strong. While most industry players are continuing the operations from home, tenders are still open and budgeting from the governments remain intact. In most countries, property developers are pushing through and nationally significant project continuing, and government tender dates...
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#4 INCREASED PREFABRICATION, MODULARIZATION, AND ECO-FRIENDLINESS There’s been a growing trend towards multi-trade prefabrication. This is something the Multi Trade Prefabrication Conference is now addressing. It was the first ever multi-trade conference that was held for the growing number of construction companies that are implementing prefabrication strategies. A great example of this occurred in Dubai...
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